Spongebob lost episude-shit happens 7

ok so i'm not gonna say any usless shit how i found this episude on ebay!!! WARNING- IF YOU HASN'T READ PART 1-6 WEED IT OR YOU'LL BE LOST!!!!! LIEK ME'S WHEN I'M SMOKE SOME CWACK!!!!

teh episude

so spongebob is drunk in his house and mr krabs is dancing to dubstep in a horse mask. spongebob changes teh music to techno and dances liek mr krabs.
mr krabs- spongebob you little shit!!! put fucking dubstep back on you piece of fuck you are!!!
spongebob-hell no you fatty fat, fat fat!!!
mr krabs-fine well i hate you forevers!!!
then a car hits spongebobs house.
spongebob- who in the fuck is that?
mrs puff comes out of her car drunk.
spongebob-mrs puff get teh fuck out of here!!!
mrs puff-shut up spongebob!!! your just a shit that has no friends!!!
spongebob- well what the fuck do you want!?
mrs puff- dunno... but if you don't give it to me i will eat your testicals!!!!
spongebob- o rly? (points pistol)
mr krabs- don't shoot me you bastard!!!
spongebob-o rly? (shoots mr krabs in teh dick)
mr krabs- ouch...
mrs puff- well... i am stealing wario!!!
spongebob- why wario he's stupid and fat!!!
mrs puff- yeah i know so i will kill him!!!
wario-heck no...
mrs puff- fuck yes!!! (throws wario in the back of her car and drives off)
spongebob- oh fuck!!! now i has to get wario!!! mr krabs you piece of shit!!! help me!!!
mr krabs-um...no.... (runs away)
spongebob- fuck you mr krabs!!!
it then shows mrs puff driving with wario
wario- where the fuck are we going!!??
mrs puff- to me's house!!!
mrs puff then drives off the interstate running over people.
wario- running over people is relaxing and...
mrs puff-shut your dick whole!!!
mrs puff crashes into a gas station and robs the 7 11 and kills everyone and gets beer and eats the whole thing.
wario- i want something!!! (crys really liek a baby)
mrs puff- no!!!! (pulls out gun on wario)
wario then eats the gun and gets donuts from 7 11
wario-dead people... (sees teh dead people) thats nice...
wario comes out with a donut and shoves it up his ass and eats it.
mrs puff-get your fat dick in teh car before i shoot you with me's donut wasting gun!!!
wario- don't do that!!!
mrs puff- too bad dick fish!!!
mrs puff then drives back into a middle of nowhere.
wario- are we lost?
mrs puff- SHUT UP!!!!
wario- geez someones a bitch!!!
mrs puff-yes we are lost cause of your ugly smelly dick!!!
wario- well sry!!! mrs tough!!!
mrs puff then slaps wario and crashes into a building
wario-whats a building even doing here!?
mrs puff- well thx wario for crashing are car in a middle of nowhere!!!
wario- hay i see a guy in the biulding
dr. hax- HAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (throws computer at wario)
dr. hax- HAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (throws computer at mrs puff)
dr. hax- HAXXXXXXXXXXX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 (runs away and explodes)
wario-wtf was that shit?!
mrs puff- your mom...
mrs puff- ok i found a truck buried right here!!!
wario- i gots me dick as a shovel!!!
mrs puff-shut up and dig with your pingas already!!!
wario somehow digs with his boner and finds teh truck.
mrs puff-ok wario we now has a shittier truck than last tiem!!!!
wario- um...that was a-
mrs puff- yeah wario i knew it was a dick!!!
wario-..... it was a car...
mrs puff- I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!!!!!
wario- well sry!!!
it then shows spongebob making a dick looking plane.
spongebob- ok tags your helping me not hurrasing me
tags- yo got it bitch!!!
tags and spongebob then go in the plane and fly
tags- lemme wants to drive
spongebob- fine you can drive while i fap to porn
tags then gets the starring wheel and crashes into a gas station.
spongebob- fuck you tags!!! why did i even trust you!!!
tags- cause your retarded...
the plane then hits the ground and explodes.
spongebob- ok that was kinda fun...
tags- of course it was fun dawg!!!
spongebob- hay i think where closer to mrs puff cause i see dead people
tags- and where in teh fuk are all teh mother fuking toilets dawg!!!
spongebob- how should i know
tags- cause turtles bitch!!!
spongebob- i was going to that theater but then i got disstracted on some dance party-
tags- PORNO!!!!
spongebob- exactly...
tags- hay i see a trail of vodka ima gonna follow it!!!
spongebob- me too!!!
tags- you R?
spongebob- yes...
tags- then i'm-a gonna eat this black cupcake!!!
spongebob- a black cupcake?...
tags- yes (shoves it up in tags ass)
spongebob- ok...
to be continued....